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Slack 3.0.0

December 8, 2017

What’s New

  • When you’re in a lot of workspaces, the app now uses much less memory, and starting up is faster, to boot.
  • And flipping between those workspaces is now faster. Not super-sonic, but certainly somewhere between a jiffy and lickety-split.
  • We shunted the sign-in page out of the app — it’s now rerouted to a new window, for reasons of reliability.
  • A new-fangled lock badge subtly lets you know which workspaces you’re currently signed out of. Or of which you’re currently signed out. Either way.
  • Our start up screen, spruced-up and slimmed-down, is worth a gander — as is the helpful way that dates now stick to the top of a channel while scrolling through messages. Though if you don’t notice them, but quietly feel a little bit happier for reasons you can’t put your finger on, that’s cool too.

Что за Slack и как с ним быть?

2018: Блокировка аккаунтов пользователей в странах, попавших под санкции

Transitioning from IRC & XMPP gateways

Конкуренция с Microsoft

Одно из последствий сделки между Slack и Salesforce, считают аналитики CNBC – это усиление позиций мессенджера в вопросе конкуренции с Microsoft Teams. Софтверный гигант запустил собственный корпоративный мессенджер в ноябре 2016 г., спустя три года с момента релиза Slack.

В июле 2018 г., как сообщал CNews, Microsoft решила укрепить позиции Teams на рынке корпоративных мессенджеров – она запустила его полностью бесплатную версию, доступную для всех. До этого Teams могли пользоваться только подписчики сервиса Office 365, в настоящее время известного как Microsoft 365. Открытие Teams для широкого круга пользователей на бесплатной основе профильные СМИ расценивают как очередной шаг в конкуренции со Slack, который предлагает бесплатную версию с момента своего запуска.

В последующие годы давление Teams на Slack усиливалось, и в июле 2020 г. его создатели не выдержали и обратились за помощью к властям. Они подали на Microsoft жалобу в Еврокомиссию, в которой указали на неконкурентное поведение корпорации.

Создатели Slack обвинили ее в использовании своего доминирующего положения для распространения Teams, в том числе и через Office, и предположили, что Microsoft хочет уничтожить Slack. Microsoft в ответ заявили, что им удалось выбиться в лидеры за счет большего числа сервисов, интегрированных в Teams.

К концу марта 2020 г. согласно статистике самих разработчиков, число ежедневно активных пользователей Slack достигло 12,5 млн в глобальных масштабах, хотя еще в начале марта 2020 г. их было около 10 млн. Для сравнения, в Teams их на тот момент было порядка 75 млн.

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Slack 3.1.0

March 9, 2018

What’s New

  • We’re using a new font for Japanese. It’s clearer, more legible, and goes well with aubergine. (Which is the default color of your sidebar. As well as a vegetable.)
  • Sometimes Slack takes too long to start up. If that happens, a) we’re sorry that it does, but b) you’ll now see a link with some helpful troubleshooting ideas.
  • When a file’s done downloading, a new notification will dutifully let you know.
  • If you’ve asked Slack to launch right when your computer turns on, Slack now does so much more quietly — with less extraneous loading screen action, and fewer fanfares.
  • For Windows 10 users, we now offer the option to disable hardware acceleration. If you’re seeing glitchy graphics and other unpleasantness, try toggling this option to on.


We have uninstalled the per-user deployment MSI. Why is Slack still installed for all our users?

Uninstalling the MSI only removes the deployment tool, and Slack will no longer install for new people logging in to the computer. However, people who have already installed Slack through the deployment tool need to manually uninstall the app.

This can be automated by calling «%LOCALAPPDATA%\slack\Update.exe» —uninstall -s in the users context, e.g. during the logon script. If your machine hosts multiple users (e.g. a terminal server), then we recommend our machine-wide MSI, which would uninstall Slack for all users automatically.

When installing newer versions of an MSI, older ones still show up. Are there multiple versions of Slack installed now?

No. While the Apps and Features list may show multiple versions of Slack, only the binaries of the latest version are installed. Starting with 3.4.0, older versions of Slack will be uninstalled when the installation of a new version begins. You’ll continue to see versions pre-dating 3.4.0 in Apps and Features.

When silently uninstalling or updating the machine-wide MSI, why do machines reboot?

We introduced an upgrade feature to our MSI when version 3.4.0 was released, which uninstalls older versions of the MSI when you update to a later version. If an administrator triggers a silent update or uninstall while a logged-in user is using Slack, it will not be possible to delete the files component of the installation, as it will be locked. When this happens, the MSI installer engine will stage the changes and trigger a reboot of the computer to push the changes. To prevent unexpected reboots during silent installations, add /norestart to your install command line. That might look like msiexec /i “slack-standalone-x.x.x.msi” /qn /norestart.

Slash commands

Why does Slack never reach my slash command URL?

Typically, if Slack cannot reach your slash command URL it’s because it’s either inaccessible, does not have a valid, verifiable SSL certificate, or because our request is timing out for some reason.

Slack invokes slash command URLs from its servers rather than from a Slack client app like Slack for Mac. This means that the URL we’re trying to reach must be accessible to Slack’s servers.

To determine whether your certificate is valid, consider using this tool provided by SSL Labs.

How do I validate a slash command’s origin?

Keep track of the validation tokens and team IDs Slack gives you when commands are created and teams approve your app. Always validate that the field in an incoming slash command request has been issued to you by Slack and scope your data for that workspace.

Приложения в Slack для разработки

  • https://slack.com/apps/A0ZP4FD0B-obie — удобные ответы на вопросы, заданные обычным языком, типа «какой адрес офиса» или «какой пароль от нашего аккаунта в trello»
  • https://slack.com/apps/ADZHDM3L1-jira-server — Jira для сервера
  • https://slack.com/apps/A0Z9RG265-jira-integration — альтернативный способ добавить Jira в Slack
  • https://slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ-incoming-webhooks — отправка сообщений в Slack от внешних сервисов
  • https://slack.com/apps/AC6M092SD-toast — работа с GitHub
  • https://slack.com/apps/A3S6N33JA-kiwi — добавляем Tableau в Slack
  • https://slack.com/apps/A0MEQBTD3-appfollow-review-updates-monitor — отслеживаем мобильные приложения
  • https://slack.com/app-pages/salesforce — соединить Salesforce со Slack

Slack 2.8.0

September 11, 2017

What’s New

  • Slack is now fully available in French, Spanish and German, down to the very last emoji, you’ll find the options in Preferences > Language & Region.
  • Also, we added support for a brand new way of working with external companies from within Slack.
  • AND a whole new way of handling name tagging in order to handle the exciting world of challenges brought by the two things above.
  • All mentions of “team” have been changed to “workspace” when referring to the app, though not when referring to the people in it. You create a workspace. You invite people from your team. Simple!
  • You can now configure the language used by the spellchecker in Preferences to be the language you wish to spell correctly.
  • You can now configure your delivery method of choice for notifications (build-in, Action Center, Action Center Abbreviated), in addition to being able to configure the position of those notifications (again)

Add the tools you use every day

Why it matters

With Slack apps and integrations, you can turn Slack into a hub for all your work tools, saving you time from switching between multiple tabs and apps each day.

How it works

Every organization is different, of course, but at Slack we’ve found that a few types of apps add huge value for every person:

  • Add your file storage service (Dropbox, Box, Google Drive) to share files without leaving Slack
  • Sync email and calendar services like G Suite and Office 365 

Ready to add apps and integrations?

Here’s our list of essential apps for Slack (hint: the Giphy app tends to be a real crowd-pleaser for teams). 

OK, we’ll let you get back to work. (On Slack, that is.)

Try moving all conversations for a key project into Slack for 72 hours

Why it matters

  • Everyone has access to the latest information, saving you time on managing communications so you can focus on problem-solving and decision-making
  • You get responses faster, eliminating long waits for an email reply 
  • Files, decisions and people are easy to find, thanks to organized channels and powerful search
  • Project and conversation histories are retained in channel, so when new people join, they can ramp up quickly

Here’s a video that goes deeper into why channels are a better way to work:

How to move your work into Slack like a pro

Moving a project into a channel is simple:

  1. Create a channel for your project, ideally using a , like #proj-website-launch (“proj” = project), so that conversations are easy to find as they grow 
  2. Add all the key files your team needs for the project or topic
  3. Add all the teammates who are involved
  4. Share (or request!) the latest update on the project or topic using @mentions (see the next tip) to reach teammates you have a question for or would like to notify  

Commit to communicating only via Slack for the next few days so you can really get used to working in channels together.  

Try it out

Create a channel for a key project or topic in your latest workspace. To learn more about channels, check out our new Slack curriculum, which covers channel basics plus some fun, social ways to use them to strengthen team bonds.

Frequently asked questions

What can Slack apps do?

Apps connect tools and services with Slack so that you can use them without leaving your workspace. Apps make it easy to quickly find, share and act on information across your tech stack by creating one central place to stay focused and get work done. You can learn more in ‘Five ways to use apps and workflows in Slack’.Choose from over 2,200 apps in the Slack App Directory to support whatever work you do. If you use customised tools or follow processes specific to your company, you can also explore the Workflow Builder to create your own workflows, or build a customised app using the Slack API.

How do I install apps in Slack?

To install an app, first find it in the Slack App Directory. From an app’s page, click on the Add to Slack button. Then follow the prompts to install the app or connect your account. You’ll see the option to connect your account after clicking on Add to Slack if an app has already been installed in your workspace. You can also find and install apps from your workspace. Click on Apps in your left sidebar and explore the directory from there.For more information on managing apps smartly and securely, take a look at ‘An admin’s guide to app management’.

Are Slack apps free?

You can add up to ten apps to workspaces on the free version of Slack. If you’re on one of Slack’s paid subscriptions, you can install as many apps as you like – there’s no limit! Bear in mind that some app services require payment or for you to have a subscription to use their product before you can use it in Slack.To explore Slack’s free and paid subscriptions, take a look at our pricing page.

How do I build a Slack app?Use the Slack API to build an app that connects the tools and data sources that your organisation needs to run smoothly. For all the resources that you’ll need to get started and build your app, visit Slack API. And if you’re interested in learning from other developers, designers and product managers building on our platform, consider joining a Slack platform community group.

How do I create a workflow in Slack?Easily automate routine actions and communication by using Workflow Builder to create your own customised workflows.To access workflow builder, head to the main menu in Slack (by clicking on your workspace name at the top left) and navigate to Tools > Workflow Builder. From there, you can create a customised workflow or choose from available pre-built templates. For help with creating your own workflow, take a look at our step-by-step guide.Note: Workflow Builder is only available on Slack’s paid subscriptions.

How do I become a Slack technology partner?Slack partners contribute a broad range of tools, services and solutions that help companies to deploy Slack across organisations, ensuring that teams get the most out of Slack. Contact us to become a technology partner, or visit our Partners page to learn more.

Events API

How do I re-enable event subscriptions for my app?

If your app’s subscriptions are disabled due to exceeding Events API , manually re-enable them by visiting your application’s settings. If your app is part of the directory, use your Live App Settings instead of your development app.

When should I use the Events API and when should I use the RTM API?

Choose the Events API if:

  1. You want to precisely scope the data you receive to just what your app needs
  2. You prefer or must use an inbound request model due to
    a) your hosting service not being able to maintain an outbound websocket connection
    b) you prefer to scale your application on an inbound request model instead of maintaining multiple long-lived websocket connections
  3. You’re converting a outgoing webhook integration into something installable as a Slack app.
  4. You don’t need data presented to you in real time as a firehose of information
  5. You find the reassuring for redundancy reasons

Or choose the RTM API if:

  1. You can’t or won’t create a Slack app to contain your creations
  2. You’re building an on-premise integration or have no ability to receive external HTTP requests
  3. You’re working on a distributed or mobile application without a server backend
  4. You just prefer working with websockets. That’s cool.
  5. You need events that just aren’t supported by the Events API
  6. You need compatibility with today’s existing tools
  7. Sending events is important for your app or bot user’s sense of self and agency
  8. You want data feed redundancy by opening additional websocket connections, or perhaps will augment with the Events API anyhow
  9. You want messages to be delivered to you in real time
  10. Receiving events in absolute order is important to you.

Or why not use the Events API and RTM API together?

  1. Receive event data two different ways to help redundancy needs
  2. You want to work with the Events API but you need time to transition from one to the other
  3. You want to better separate concerns or follow a more service-oriented architecture
  4. You want to offer the perks presented by either API as a premium application feature.

How do I make my bot appear active and present?

The answer depends on whether you’re using the Events API with or without the RTM API.

With the Events API, you must toggle your presence by managing your app’s bot user config.

With the RTM API, your bot is marked while connected to a websocket.

See for further

Frequently asked questions

What can Slack apps do?

Apps connect tools and services with Slack, so you can use them without leaving your workspace. Apps make it easy to quickly find, share and act on information across your tech stack by creating one central place to stay focused and get work done. You can learn more in “5 ways to use apps and workflows in Slack.”Choose from over 2,200 apps in the Slack App Directory to support whatever work you do. If you use custom tools or follow processes specific to your company, you can also explore the Workflow Builder to create your own workflows, or build a custom app using the Slack API.

How do I install apps in Slack?

To install an app, first find it in the Slack App Directory. From an app’s page, click the Add to Slack button. Then follow the prompts to install the app or connect your account. You’ll see the option to connect your account after clicking Add to Slack if an app has already been installed in your workspace. You can also find and install apps from your workspace. Click Apps in your left sidebar and explore the directory from there.For more information on managing apps smartly and securely, check out “An admin’s guide to app management.”

Are Slack apps free?

You can add up to 10 apps to workspaces on the free version of Slack. If you’re on one of Slack’s paid plans, you can install as many apps as you’d like—there’s no limit! Keep in mind that some app services require payment or a subscription to use their product before you use it in Slack.To explore Slack’s free and paid plans, check out our pricing page.

How do I build a Slack app?Use the Slack API to build an app that connects the tools and data sources your organization needs to run smoothly. For all the resources you’ll need to get started and build your app, visit Slack API. And if you’re interested in learning from other developers, designers and product managers building on our platform, consider joining a Slack Platform Community group.

How do I create a workflow in Slack?Easily automate routine actions and communication by using Workflow Builder to create your own custom workflows.To access Workflow Builder, head to the main menu in Slack (by clicking on your workspace name at the top left) and navigate to Tools > Workflow Builder. From there you can create a custom workflow or choose from available pre-built templates. For help creating your own workflow, check out our step-by-step guide.Note: Workflow Builder is only available on Slack’s paid plans.

How do I become a Slack technology partner?Slack partners contribute a broad range of tools, services and solutions that help companies deploy Slack across organizations, ensuring that teams get the most out of Slack. Contact us to become a technology partner, or visit our Partners page to learn more.

Widely-used open source libraries

Here are some popular libraries supporting a wide range of Slack platform functionality.

Looking for hosting? We have suggestions!

Library Language Features

This library supports the Web and RTM APIs, but what’s really sharp is that it supports wrangling access tokens with OAuth 2.0.

  • Web API
  • Real Time Messaging API
  • Authentication

Go ahead and code Slack bots and Web API clients with this library supporting the Web API and RTM APIs.

  • Bot Users
  • Web API
  • Real Time Messaging API

HubSpot’s carefully crafted, extensible Java wrapper around the Slack Web API includes robust rate limit handling.


Use this handy bot framework from Howdy to quickly build conversational bots, for your Slack workspace and others.

  • Bot Users
  • Real Time Messaging API
  • Web API
  • Authentication
  • Slack Apps
  • Message Buttons

A framework agnostic PHP library that is designed to simplify the task of developing innovative bots.

  • Bot Users
  • Message Buttons
  • Real Time Messaging API
  • Web API

This PHP interface for the Web API is powered by our OpenAPI specification.


Python enthusiasts love this popular Slack API wrapper, with support for negotiating tokens using OAuth 2.0.

  • Incoming Webhooks
  • Web API
  • Authentication

This lovingly documented framework provides the simplest way to create bot users with Ruby.

  • Bot Users
  • Real Time Messaging API

Write expressive Ruby code for Slack bots and APIs that’s «right on» and real time.

  • Bot Users
  • Web API
  • Real Time Messaging API

Write a complete Slack bot service using Ruby, complete with the «Add to Slack» button.

  • Bot Users
  • Slack Apps
  • Slack Button

Условия сделки

Reach each other with @mentions

Why it matters

Work often involves waiting for reviews or approvals before you can move forward. When matters are time-sensitive or you want to address a specific person in Slack, you can grab their attention in any channel by mentioning their username preceded by an @ symbol. They will then get a notification. 

How it works

After meetings on any project, head into the project’s dedicated channel in Slack and post an update for the team. Be sure to format key information into a bulleted list, such as: 

  • Decisions that were made 
  • Next steps with due dates. For each next step, be sure to @mention the teammate(s) who agreed to take them on so they receive the message and can confirm they’re accountable 
  • Any outstanding questions you’d like to discuss in the channel with the larger team

Connecting with rtm.connect vs. rtm.start

There are currently two ways to reserve websocket connections.

concerns itself only with getting your app connected to the RTM API, and only includes limited information about the connecting user and housing workspace.

includes not only an entire kitchen sink but an entire kitchen filled with information about the user, its workspace, its channels, its current state in the universe. is naturally more difficult to use with Enterprise Grid and other large workspaces.

We strongly recommend using to reserve your websocket connections and use the Web API in tandem to collect all the state information your app needs.

Slack 2.8.0

September 11, 2017

What’s New

  • Slack is now fully available in French, Spanish and German, down to the very last emoji, you’ll find the options in Preferences > Language & Region.
  • Also, we added support for a brand new way of working with external companies from within Slack.
  • AND a whole new way of handling name tagging in order to handle the exciting world of challenges brought by the two things above.
  • All mentions of “team” have been changed to “workspace” when referring to the app, though not when referring to the people in it. You create a workspace. You invite people from your team. Simple!
  • You can now configure the language used by the spellchecker in Preferences to be the language you wish to spell correctly.
  • You can now configure your delivery method of choice for notifications (build-in, Action Center, Action Center Abbreviated), in addition to being able to configure the position of those notifications (again)

Кажется, нам нужен новый мессенджер!

Selectel Chat

В итоге мы получили безопасный корпоративный мессенджер с отказоустойчивой инфраструктурой и возможностью горизонтального масштабирования, и в конце прошлого года перевели всю компанию на него.

После тестирования в реальных условиях (на себе) нам настолько понравилась получившаяся система, что мы решили сделать из нее доступный клиентам сервис Selectel Chat. За первый квартал им заинтересовались более 20 компаний, мы зафиксировали спрос и продолжаем экспериментировать над продуктом — недавно добавили в него видеоконференции (с перспективой отказаться еще и от Zoom).

Сейчас мы открываем Selectel Chat на более широкую аудиторию. Он доступен клиентам на особых условиях — цена за 1 пользователя в 40 раз дешевле, чем в Slack.

Ping and Pong

Clients should try to quickly detect disconnections, even in idle periods, so
that users can easily tell the difference between being disconnected and
everyone being quiet. Not all web browsers support the WebSocket ping spec, so
the RTM protocol also supports ping/pong messages. When there is no other
activity clients should send a ping every few seconds. To send a ping, send
the following JSON:

You can supply any number of extra «flat» arguments (that is: only scalar
values, no arrays or objects). These will be included in the pong message that
is sent back. For example, a client could include a local timestamp in the
ping message so it can calculate round-trip latency:

This will be included in the reply from the server:

Sending messages

You can send a message to Slack by sending JSON over the WebSocket connection.

Every event should have a unique (for that connection) positive integer
ID. All replies to that message will include this ID allowing the client to
correlate responses with the messages sent; replies may be «out of order»
due to the asynchronous nature of the message servers.

Also, as with events sent from the server, each event sent by the client has a
string specifying what the message does — chat messages are of type .

Channel selection

So to post the text «Hello world» to a channel, you can send this JSON:

You can send a message to a private group or direct message channel in the
same way, but using a group ID () or direct message channel ID ().

To send a message both as and to the authenticating user, use the correct direct message channel ID for that user. The direct message ID can be found as part of the response to , or by consulting .

Formatting messages

The RTM API only supports posting simple messages formatted using our
default message formatting mode. It does not support
attachments or other message formatting modes. To post a
more complex message as a user clients can call the
chat.postMessage Web API method with
set to true.

User mentions over RTM should use the User ID-based syntax:

Handling responses

Once the JSON has been sent to the server visual clients should immediately
display the text in the channel, grayed out or otherwise marked to indicate
that it is «pending». At some point after that, usually a few milliseconds
later, the server will send a confirmation that the message was received:

Replies to messages sent by clients will always contain two properties: a
boolean indicating whether they succeeded and an integer
indicating which message they are in response to.

In the case of a reply to a chat message, if successful, the reply will
contain the canonical recorded timestamp of the message. All messages within
a single channel are guaranteed to have a unique timestamp which is ASCII
sortable. Given the precision of the timestamp, clients should treat these
timestamps as strings, not floats/doubles. Once a successful reply has been
returned, the message in the chat log should no longer be grayed out — it has
now been delivered.

Chat message replies also contain the message text, which may vary from the
sent message due to URL detection.

Интеграции Slack

Знаете чем еще ценен Слак? Другими сервисами ?

Да, звучит как каламбур, но в действительности это именно так. Slack легко интегрируется со многими сервисами (их около 2000 штук), что позволяет очень гибко подходить к рабочим и организационным процессам.

Среди популярных:

  • Trello
  • Gmail
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Asana
  • Jira
  • Zoom

Интеграция позволяет легко и быстро взаимодействовать со сторонним приложением, получать автоматические уведомления.

Например, при создании задачи в Трелло она может попадать сразу в нужный канал, а загруженные файлы в Google Drive или Dropbox не будут выглядеть как длинная ссылка, а будут иметь вполне приятное превью с названием документа.

Вот такой обзор Slack, он получился максимально положительным, но это лишь потому что мне по-настоящему нравится этот сервис и я рекомендую его попробовать, если вы еще не пользовались им ранее.

Производительность и стиль с Slack

Существует множество программ, посвященных производительности, но многие из них просто переупаковывают существующие инструменты. Slack, однако, не просто полезный инструмент для организации рабочего дня , но также предоставляет новые функции, которые вы не знали, что вам нужно. Это бесплатное приложение, которое доступно на настольных и мобильных устройствах в основных форматах, имеет очень высокое качество и заставит вас задаться вопросом, как вы справились без него.

Поднять слабину

Тэглайн для этого приложения « менее занят », что действительно происходит, если вы используете его правильно. Конечно, вы можете потерять некоторое время, пока вы получите всю команду, чтобы изучить приложение и выяснить, как его использовать, но в целом это сэкономит время и сделает все более продуктивным . Проще говоря, это приложение для обмена сообщениями, но оно приспособлено для преодоления ужасных проблем с коммуникацией, которые испытывают большинство современных офисов . Система вращается вокруг каналов, которые отмечены хэш-тегами. Каждому каналу присваивается название, например #Marketing или #Accounts. Когда вы хотите отправить сообщение команде маркетинга, вы просто нажимаете соответствующий канал. Если вы хотите связаться с конкретным лицом или иметь конфиденциальное сообщение, вы можете направить сообщение или DM этого пользователя. Эта услуга сопоставима с Skype или Messenger , но есть и другие функции. Вы можете легко переносить файлы, например, просто отбрасывая их. Это также интегрируется с любым существующим файлообменником, таким как Dropbox.

Оптимизированный и интуитивно понятный

Большим плюсом для Slack является то, что он очень интуитивно понятен, строит системы, используемые в обычных программах для обмена сообщениями, и оптимизирует некоторые вещи, чтобы сократить время, затрачиваемое на поиск кнопок. Это должно сократить время, потраченное на тренировку команды, чтобы использовать ее. Программа имеет очень мягкий, чистый интерфейс и современные стиль. Вы также можете интегрировать другое программное обеспечение, чтобы сократить обкачку окон, например, Twitter Google Drive и многое другое. Все они доступны для поиска в вашем архиве вместе с вашими сообщениями. Программное обеспечение даже индексирует внутри файлов, поэтому ваши поисковые запросы включают содержимое таких вещей, как PDF-файлы. Еще одно большое преимущество этого программного обеспечения заключается в том, что он легко синхронизируется с вашими мобильными устройствами, поэтому каждая база покрыта, и ее можно даже настроить, чтобы уведомлять вас об изменениях

Наконец, обратите внимание на небольшие штрихи, такие как частные каналы для высшего руководства, которые демонстрируют мысль, которая попала в это приложение

Ускорьте и сделайте все

Создатели Slack утверждают, что клиенты видят в среднем 48,6% сокращение внутренней электронной почты , что , несомненно, сэкономит время . Добавьте к этому тот факт, что программное обеспечение использовать для компаний любого размера, и на самом деле нет причин не проверять его . У компании также есть большая специализированная группа поддержки, которая поможет вам в интеграции в ваш офис. Недоброжелатели могут сказать, что это не делает ничего, что существующие пакеты программного обеспечения, но если вам нравится все в одном месте , это хорошее место для начала.

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